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Dear Clueless

Dear Clueless,

I have a really important, hard, and serious question. I would appreciate it if you could help me figure out how I can teach my dog to jump out of a window on my command. Thanks for your help.


Dear Van,

First off, why are you trying to teach your dog to jump out of a window? That is animal cruelty. However, I have to answer your question, so here goes: First, make sure you have something that you can, well, bribe your dog with. That could be treats, a toy, belly rubs, or whatever else he likes. Then, come up with a command. Like, “Die”, or “Window”. Something simple that is easily recognizable. Now practice. When you say the command, show him what to do, or pick him up and throw him out the window. If you practice a lot, then he will eventually learn, and you can teach your dog to jump out a window. Pay attention to these instructions closely, and maybe even memorize them, because everytime your command works, you’ll have to get a new dog and teach them the trick all over again.

Best of Luck


Dear Clueless,

What is the best snack to sneak in class?



Dear Colton,

This depends on what you’re asking about. My personal favorite is Crunchy Cheddar Jalapeño Cheese Cheetos. I know that takis are very popular, so you might like those too. Now, those are both crunchy and noisy, and they might make the teacher mistrustful when you’re begging for water. But if you want something more conspicuous, then here are some options. You can try more organic things, like tomatoes, or some sort of semi-silent vegetable. These don’t leave crumbs, are more or less silent, and are healthy. Plus, if the teacher catches you, you can just say you’re working on a diet. Another great thing to sneak is any kind of candy that doesn’t crunch. M&M’S are great, and I know from experience. They are silent, and delicious, and if you don’t chew them then they can last for a while. So, in my opinion, the best snack to sneak in class is M&M’S.

I hope you don’t get caught,


Dear Clueless,

Why do frogs have legs?


Dear Van,

Because evolution.


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