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Skinner Interviews…William

Jacob: What is your name??

Willam: William. 

Jacob: Why are you at Skinner?

William: Because my friends are here, and it was my brother’s old school. And my IEP (Individual Education Program)  matched here.

Jacob: If you could rate Skinner on a scale of one to ten, What would you rate it?

William: 9/10

Jacob: Why didn’t you give it a perfect rating?

William: Because they don’t allow hats in hoodies in the building and they let kids sag their pants! 

( Sagging pants: sagging is a manner of wearing pants that sag so that the top of the pants are down below the waist.) 

Credit: CladWell saggy pants…

Jacob: What are the good things about Skinner Middle?

William: The teachers always accept you no matter what.

Jacob: What do you think they need to change about Skinner Middle?

William: How like…their words…they should be careful with them, because one teacher said that the students should just grow up, Even though we should grow up, don’t say it like that.

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