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Food in Cafeteria Replaced With Garbage by Super-Speedy Demons

Shocking insight to the quality of the cafeteria food has been discovered about super-speedy demons hiding in the cafeteria storage room. Many students believe that the quality of the food is poor, and that the lunch ladies are to blame, but that’s not the full story. “It’s not our fault,” said one lunch lady who requested to remain anonymous. “They just sneak in and swap out the food before we have time to react. And when we switch it back, they do the same thing. We eventually realized we just can’t combat their quick maneuvers, and they never seem to get tired. But we do!” It turns out that when the lunch ladies make their pre-made meals, they are quickly switched out with sculptures of garbage from all over Skinner, and its surrounding streets. And even when the lunch ladies switch it back, the demons replace it with more garbage, again.

“It’s impossible,” one person said. “Even if we dish it up at the counter, those little twerps switch it super fast before we can hand it to the students!”

Our professional sketch artist released a drawing based on some small descriptions from the lunch ladies.

One lunch lady who had the lucky chance of seeing one of the naughty monsters reported that the demons also commonly wore running or basketball shoes as seen above. Many said that they could see no possible solution to the problem, and it might just have to be the way it is.

This is reporter, Orion M, signing off with your most truthful news of the day.

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