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Breaking News: Local Manhole Obliterated by Kevin Maddison

Could this affect your family?


“As I was walking towards Pferdesteller Park-BOOM Kevin Maddison pops out the manhole.” Van Bills states. Kevin Maddison is a local bear from Colorado, he has been known to destroy manholes across the state. This is his 4th time just this school year breaking into the sewers in the highlands. “Man I swear these kids these days just keep breaking rules-Oh it’s a bear uh, uh, uh” Herbert  reported. 

Many people have reported these incidents but the police can’t do anything. “He’s just too fast getting back into those darn sewers,” Police Chief Bobby told us. We talked to Kevin’s long time friend Ted Jimmy. “He’s done it since he was a cub, but jeez never thought it would turn into this.” 

Well this has been Cash reporting to you from my chromebook goodbye…

 Hey get off my property!

  1. Image from ↩︎

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